Drug Checking, Made Simple


We are happy to provide a wide range of drug testing strips and kits available for pick up in person or shipped with anonymous options available (shipping charges are extra and contact us for a shipping quote). For more information on using kits and safety information please visit Dance Safe for more details. Contact us at contact@madesimplemedical.com or call (864) 363 4387.





<> Ketamine Test Kit
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DanceSafe’s ketamine test kit consists of a single two-part reagent called Morris. The two parts, Morris A and Morris B, come in separate dropper bottles, and should be used together on one sample.

Morris is currently the only kit on the market able to distinguish ketamine from DCK, 2-FDCK, and other novel dissociatives. Morris also turns a bright Jolly Rancher blue in the presence of cocaine. (Morris does not work the same as other reagents. See detailed instructions below before use.)

Each kit performs 50-75 tests.